24/7 Program

Attorney Generals Office

Potter County Sheriffs Office

Participating in 24/7 

Remote Breath now Available!!!

SDCL:   1-11-17.   Statewide 24/7 sobriety program established. There is hereby established a statewide 24/7 sobriety program to be administered by the Office of the Attorney General. The program shall coordinate efforts among various state and local government entities for the purpose of finding and implementing alternatives to incarceration for certain offenses that involve driving under the influence and other offenses involving alcohol, marijuana, or controlled substances. 

SDCL: 1-11-19.   Participation in 24/7 sobriety program--Testing locations and times. Each county, through the county sheriff, may participate in the 24/7 sobriety program. If a sheriff is unwilling or unable to participate in the 24/7 sobriety program, the sheriff may designate an entity willing to provide the service. If twice-a-day testing is ordered, the sheriff, or designated entity, shall establish the testing locations and times for each county with at least one location and two daily testing times approximately twelve hours apart. 

Need Directions

Testing Times:

8:00-8:30 AM & PM

Testing options (PBT, U/A & Remote Breath)


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